Federation of Boca Raton Home Owner Associations © 2025 — All Rights Reserved.

December, 2016 Meeting

Christine Cherepy, Chair, called the meeting at The Community Center to order at 8:38 a.m.
Introductions of members of the audience were made (see Introductions, pg. 2).
Shannon Easter was the first Speaker and represented the first Community Spotlight presentation.
Mr. Easter is the Director of Golf Maintenance and Sustainability at the Broken Sound Club. The Club has led the club industry in “green” initiatives. The golf facility at Broken Sound is only the second golf facility in the U.S. and 14th. in the world to be certified by the Golf Environment Organization. It started small 4 ½ to 5 years ago with the elimination of Styrofoam cups, reduction of plastic water bottles, a recycling program, and the use of energy efficient light bulbs. Larger initiatives such as the installation of solar panels, an industrial composter, and a Tesla charging station followed. Their most current initiative was the installation of 22 bee hives (producing 1,000 lbs. of honey per year) and expanding wild flower areas. Visit the website for more information.
Website: www.brokensoundclub.org/green
Bonnie Kay was the second Speaker and represented the second Community Spotlight presentation.
2016 is the third year of The Boca Bowl. The Bowl will be held on December 20 at the FAU stadium. Last year there were 2.5 million households viewing the Boca Bowl. Total TV sponsorship valuation was approximately $13 million in addition to millions of dollars of other local economic impacts. The Spirit of Giving network will be distributing 5,000+ free ticket vouchers. Numerous related events will precede the Bowl itself. Visit the website for more information.
Website: www.thebocaratonbowl.com
Hava Holtzhower was the third Speaker and represented the featured Community Spotlight presentation.
The mission of the ADL, Anti-Defamation League, is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment to all”. The Florida regional office is located in Boca Raton. The ADL takes a three pronged approach to their mission; Protect, Investigate, and Educate. In instances of bias, prejudice, or bigotry, the ADL can provide practical assistance to individuals or groups. They provide training for Law Enforcement agencies in hate crimes, homegrown terrorism and bullying. 20 schools in Palm Beach County are involved in the “No Place for Hate” training program. Visit the website for more information.
Website: www.florida@adl.org
The meeting was adjourned at 9:37 a.m.
Tom Thayer, Chair of the Nominating Committee, presented the Nominations for the Officers for 2017.
Nominations were: Chair – Neil Haynie, First vice-Chair – Kerry Koen, Second vice-Chair – Christine Cherepy, Treasurer – Linda Baumann, and Secretary – Frank Deeney Jr.
The floor was opened for additional nominations. No additional nominations were made. Lenore Wachtel made a motion for a vote. Nominations were approved.

Announcements were made.
Florida House Representative Bill Hager will be holding an Open House and Toy Drive Tuesday, December 20 (RSVP Troy.Gras@myfloridahouse.gov).

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